Core Settings
The default settings file contains all the settings that iotaCSS needs to work.
npm install --save iotacss-settings-core
Core settings file contains all the necessary settings that iotaCSS needs to work properly. Below you can see all the settings that can be overwritten in order to fit the needs of your project.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
$iota-global-objects-namespace | String | o- | Objects global namespace |
$iota-global-components-namespace | String | c- | Components global namespace |
$iota-global-utilities-namespace | String | u- | Utilities global namespace |
$iota-global-breakpoint-separator | String | \@ | Global breakpoint suffix naming setting. All breakpoint specific styles have a '@breakpointName' suffix by default. The \ character is used to escape the @ character.
$iota-global-delimiter | String | \/ | Global delimiter naming setting for Size, Push and Pull utilities. By default it is '/' (.u-1/2) and you can change it for example to 'of' so that the generated HTML class will be 'u-1of2'. |
$iota-global-breakpoints | Map | $iota-global-breakpoints: ( |
Default global breakpoints map. These are the default breakpoints map that will be shared across all iotaCSS modules. You can change it also locally to each module. |
$iota-global-columns | List | 2, 3, 6 | Grid columns. This setting is shared between iotaCSS grid objects and size, pull & push utilities. You can change it also locally to each module. |
$iota-global-gutter-default | String | 10px | Default gutters. This setting is shared between multiple objects and utilities as the default value for gutters. You can change it also locally to each module. E.g. grid gutter, media object gutter, list gutter, etc. |
$iota-global-flex | Boolean | false | Enables flexbox across the app. If you do not want all modules to use flexbox you can keep this value false and set it to true separately to each one of them locally. |
$iota-global-rtl | Boolean | false | Enables rtl across the app. If you enable this setting the final CSS will be converted to RTL. |